A New Hair Cut!
At last! I got my hair cut! I have been looking for a cute pixie cut for a while now and finally found an old picture of Winona Ryder that I liked. My husband does not like me with long hair (if it's long it has to be in a pony tail, out of my face and off my neck) and has been after me to get rid of all that "nonsense" around my face. So, I hired hair artist extraordinaire, Laura, and she came to my rescue! She 'chopped till she dropped' and made me over!!!
Thomas was happy with it and Berkeley didn't quite know what to think. She was a little shy when she first saw me. I sounded like me and resembled me, but didn't quite look the same as when she last saw me. She just kept looking up at my hair with this little tiny smile on her face as though the wheels were spinning and she was trying to make sense of it all! Laura said it is pretty common for little ones to be upset when their mom drastically changes their hair. Anyway, I think she approves and it's definitely nice having it out of my face! I have such thick hair that curling it is a waste of time because within a half an hour it is flat again. Plus, I am totally uncreative when it comes to hair. Laura most certainly received all of the artisitc genes in the family!!!
Whenever Thomas sees me coming he teases me and says "Hold onto your handbag, here comes Winona." If you remember, she had that little episode at Nieman Marcus a few years back. That's ok...Laura goes sky diving for thrills and Winona hides clothes in her bag. I guess everyone gets a rush in some way or another. I still like her and feel bad it all went down the way it did. Anyway, no worries, don't feel like you have to hide your wallet the next time you see me. If I want a rush I leave the dishes in the sink overnight :)
You should do before and after shots :) You've got me really curious, especially since I can't really see her hair in those pictures! :)
Pictures! We want pictures :) I bet you look adorable. That is funny that Thomas doesnt like you with longer hair. And you had extremely long hair for a good part of your life! I think you look cute no matter what.
I remember when we were little and the family went swimming. I think Leslie was a year old and when my Mom jumped in the pool and got her hair wet, Leslie would not go to her. She just kept staring at her like who is this strange woman. Finally after my Mom kept talking to her she realized that it was her mom. Kids are so funny and cute!
You must post a picture of YOU! I can't wait to see it! I'll bet it looks so good! I had that pixie cut once upon a time. I'm sure you pull it off! (I got bangs a couple months ago and my boys both told me I looked funny! Isn't that nice!?)
Lis~ you crack me up! I can't wait to see how cute you look with your little pixie cut! You are such a wild child leaving dishes in the sink overnight for a thrill! Man we all better watch out because you just don't mess around do you?!?! ;)
Lis - I love love love your hair! You are absolutely BEA-utiful! But Lis, I'm missing my wallet, any idea where it went????? ;)
You look HOT!
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