Friday, October 13, 2006

A Tribute To Man's Best Friend

On the evening of October 5th, the Potts family suffered a huge loss. Andy's beloved dog Payton was killed by a hit and run driver. I am dedicating this post to her in part because I need some closure, but also because I loved her too. We all did. She was, without a doubt the BEST chocolate lab that ever lived. Payton had many endearing nicknames. She was known as Potters, Potteroo, Bear, and Paytey Poo. Payton fell head over heels in love with Andy from the very beginning. She absolutely adored Andy. No, adored is not a strong enough word. She worshipped the ground he walked on. I am fairly certain Andy felt the same way about her. She went everywhere with him except work. Whenever we saw Andy we knew Payton was not far behind. She was his faithful companion, full of unconditional love for him.
Our dog Sterling also loved Payton. When Sterling was a puppy, Payton was already 3 years old and became Sterling's best friend and mentor. Whatever Payton did Sterling did. She was Payton's little shadow. Payton is the only dog Sterling has ever loved. I know Sterling will miss her dearly too.
When Andy married Andrea a year ago, we all worried that Payton would feel jealous of or misplaced by the new woman in Andy's life. We needn't have worried. Payton accepted Andrea with the grace and love that was Payton. Payton came to love Andrea and Andrea fell in love with Payton as well. It was impossible not to.
Anytime someone asks me if I think our pets will go to heaven, my answer is always the same: they must, for it certainly would not be heaven without them. We buried Payton down by the creek at Verl & Sherri's house. I know she will be watching out for Andy from heaven and she will be there to greet him someday with that big goofy smile and thumping tail.
Andy and Andrea, if you are reading this, we are so very sorry for your loss. She brought so much life and love to all of our lives. The family will not be the same without her. She will be sorely missed.
"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." - Ben Williams

"A dog wags its tail with its heart" - Martin Buxbaum

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." - Roger Caras

"You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us." - Robert Louis Stevensonyton

In Loving Memory of Payton"Potteroo" Potts



Blogger Chris and Laura said...

I still remember the night Andy brought her home. We made a list of all the names we liked and what would fit her personality best and Payton was the perfect one. I am so sorry, she will be missed and yes one day he will see her again.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Cagle Clan said...

I can't believe it. That is truly sad. Payton was an amazing dog. The bond that Andy and Payton had was so special and rare. I can't imagine the loss he must feel.
I remember when I was a senior in highschool... my dog, Jingles, was hit and killed on Christmas Day....we had her since I was 3 years old and she was my best buddy for 14 years...especially when I was little. It was a tragic day, one I will never forget. I remember no one in my household said much for days.
Dogs are amazing creatures and Payton was one of the best!
Please tell Andy and Andrea how deeply sorry I am.

7:04 PM  
Blogger Potts Family 5 said...

Lisa - That was a sweet tribute to 1 of the best dogs ever! She truly was part of the family, loved by everyone! We are so going to miss her little "Ee-ore" ways.

10:08 AM  
Blogger The Stockwells said...

Oh my gosh! How sad!!! Jana and I were just talking about when Autumn and I were moving out of the ranch house in Issaquah and Andy brought his truck to help Autumn with her stuff. Of course Peyton was with him :) We all had to go inside for a minute and Andy told Peyton to say outside and wait for him. Well she didnt want to do that so she went all the way around the house to the basement and came up the carpeted stairs. We laughed and laughed!! She was not going to miss what was going on inside. She was such a great dog! We will miss her.

11:25 PM  

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